نشاط محادثة

1- Introduce yourself. Tell about your family. Talk about your hobbies.

2- Talk about what you did during the winter break. Where did you go? Whom did you meet? 
3- Describe a place you visited during the winter break and liked so much. How was it? 
     How different it is from Tucson?
4- How was your performance in the first semester in general? 
5- Why do you study Arabic?
6- What do you expect during this semester? Which skill do you want to develop more?
7- What are your future plans?
8- What did you do yesterday and what are you going to do tomorrow?
9- Where will you eat today and what will you eat?
نشاط كتابة
أحب اللغة العربية لأن …………………………………
لا أفهم كيف ……………………………..……….…
أشعر كأن ……………………………….…….……
ما زلت …………………………………………..…..
سوف يكون من الضروري …………………….………
من اللازم أن أشتري شيئا ……………………………
ليس ……………………………………………….
من هم الطلاب ………………………………………
يبدو أنّ …………………………………………….
جامعة أريزونا ………………………………………..

أخي يتمنّى أن ………………………………………


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