Best Merch by Amazon Request Invitation Form

رابط الكورس بخصم ٩٥ بالمئة لمتابعي مدونتي وقناتي على اليوتيوب

كيفية كتابة رسالة ناجحة لـ ميرتش باي أمازون

نماذج لرسائل ناجحة تم قبولها
How to write a successful message to get accepted in march by amazon?
بعض النقاط التي يجب مراعاتها عند إعادة التقديم
عند التقديم مرة أخرى يراعى تغيير ما يلي:
١- الكمبيوتر والـ أي بي IP.
٢- تغيير العنوان
٣- ويجب إنشاء حساب جديد على أمازون وطبعا بريد إلكتروني جديد.
٤- تغيير رقم حساب البنك (وهذه النقطة يغفل عنها الكثير).
1 – Reapply using a different IP address son there’s no IP match between my logins. I was thinking to do it froma coffee shop with Wifi or something similar. Maybe it’s easier to do using a VPN or a proxy.
2 – Create a new Amazon account using the VPN or Proxy and use the new email to reapply. This way there will not be an email match.
3 – Use a different street address. Since I used the address of my parents, this time I’ll use the current rented house I’m living in. What worries me here is that I’m from Spain and maybe that’s a drawback. It would be better to have a US street address. Not sure of this.
4 – Use a different bank account which I already have. Again, it’s a Spanish bank account.
Source :
النموذج الأول
اللون الأحمر هو الجزء الخاص بالخلفية المهنية في مجال التصميم
I have been creating t-shirt designs for several years now and have been uploading them on other print on demand platforms such as RedBubble, Dazzle, Teespring and others with good success.
اللون الأخضر خاص بما تستطيع تقديمه لميرتش باي أمازون في حالة قبولك. بمعنى آخر: ما الجديد الذي ستقدمه؟ لماذا يجب عليهم قبولك.
I feel I can bring my unique design skill set and experience to merch by amazon and provide the marketplace with unique t-shirt designs. I am looking forward to hearing back from you.
النموذج الثاني
I am a very talented graphic designer with a passion for creating logos, designs and artwork in general. I have been working with a lot of local brands and companies for the last 3 years now.
But I want to be able to sell my own designs to a much bigger audience of people and march by amazon is the perfect way for me to get started with.
Thank you.
لا ننسى أنه يجب أن يكون هناك قسم أول يتحدث فيه الشخص عن نفسه. بعد ذلك القسم الذي يتحدث فيه عن خلفيته المهنية في هذا المجال. ثم في النهاية الجزء الخاص بما سيقدمه من أعمال إبداعية تجعل شركة أمازون تقبله في هذا المشروع. في الرسالتين السابقتين هناك قسم ناقص للحفاظ على الخصوصية
وهذه رسالة أخرى لشخص تم قبوله لكن صيغة الطريقة والقوانين في ميرتش باي أمازون كانت مختلفة لحد كبير. الغرض من عرض هذا الجزء هو إطلاعكم على رسالة ناجحة وماذا كتب فيها صاحبها عن خلفيته الاحترافية وماذا سيقدم لميرتش باي أمازون حال قبوله.
نقاط هامة يجب مراعاتها وذكرها عند كتابة الرسالة
يلاحظ من خلال الجزء المظلل في الأسفل أهمية ذكر خلفية العمل في مجال التصميم.
نقطة أخرى هامة
السطر الأول : اخبر أمازون عن خلفيتك في مجال التصميم.
Tell Amazon about your designer background.
في السطر الرابع من رسالة أمازون نرى أهمية ذكر خلفية المتقدم في مجال التصميم. وهذه هي أهم نقطة يجب إلقاء الضوء عليها.
As well as details of your background as a designer.
فيمايلى نص الرسالتين اللتين ناقشتهما في الفيديو التالي بالتفصيل:
March By Amazon:
How to write a successful message about yourself, your design background and what type of designs you plan to create on Merch.
Please tell us more about yourself providing your design background and what types of designs you plan to create on Merch.
i am a designer for almost 10 years i have been working on freelancer websites for 5 years. I create designs and Logos. I have recently started selling my inventor on Ebay i have made a great revenue as well as i have my own website and a store on Shopify platform. Ive just come across this new apportinuty selling Tshirt on Amazon and i think i will really sucess in this career because of all my experiences and passion that i have for this domai.
Best regards
I am waiting forward to your response
I am Ahmad. I am a freelance designer for logos and postcards online and I offer my services on some websites. My hobby since I was young was drawing and painting. I studied at the faculty of Fine Arts but I quit it due to some family circumstances and I studied commerce instead. I use photoshop and some other online websites for creating logos and cards such as canvas and sparkle.
Merchandise سلع – تجارة – بضائع
Merchant of Venice
روابط هامة
merch by amazon| خطوات إعادة التقديم في ميرش باي امازون ومواقع مماثلة وحل مشكلة الرقم الضريبي
Useful resources
- Elaine Heney‘s Merch Entrepreneur podcast and Merch Entrepreneur Facebook group.
- Jacob Topping – search on YouTube for Jacob. And he has a great Facebook group called Merch By Amazon Top Sellers for Newbies & Pros Facebook group and, more importantly, Jacob has a fantastic ebook called Merch and the World of Print On Demand which is a great book, not only about Merch but also about the other platforms where you can make money selling all sorts of merchandise.
- Lisa Irby at Passive Shirt Profits a podcast and some great courses.
- Merch by Amazon Facebook group founded by Chris Green.
- Great suite of tools can be found at MerchInformer.

Chapter 1: What is Merch by Amazon?
Founded in 2015, Merch by Amazon was designed to attract app developers to Amazon’s vast online ecosystem in order for them to design and upload branded tee shirts. These designs were then developed into branded tee shirts that would be produced by Amazon, uploaded and featured on their marketplace and shipped by Amazon. All the designers had to do was to come up with the designs.
Marketed as the ultimate Print on Demand opportunity, Merch was opening up the tee shirt market to anyone with a vision. The lack of upfront costs and with customer service being handled by Amazon, this meant that Merch guaranteed a commission for every sale without the hassle of a new business venture.
This innovative marketing tool soon attracted people from varied walks of life. Merch grew quickly and the demand for membership soon exceeded any expectations and Amazon found they needed to limit membership to avoid challenges to the platform. They introduced an “Application Only” policy, which remains the policy to date.
How do I apply to join Merch?
Once you decide that Merch is the passive income opportunity you want to become a part of, the next step is to apply for membership. Before you apply, make sure you have the following resources:
- A company name will make your application seem more professional. Create a name that you can identify with.
- A personal website which can highlight some of your designs.
- Experience on other print on demand sites will help. Check out Redbubble, Sunfrog, Zazzle or Teepublic and try out your design skills.
- Get inspiration. Try YouTube for other designers who have success on Merch, also Facebook is a great way to connect with Merch aficionados.
- Contact information
- Bank account and routing numbers
- Social security number or alternative tax identification code
Sign into your Amazon account. This can be a buyer’s account, your seller’s account or a brand-new account solely for Merch. You will also find a tax survey and a company profile section. You will also need to supply your banking information. If you are outside of the US, Amazon may withhold up to 30% of your income for tax purposes.
Now head over to and you will see the invitation form. Remember you only get one try at this so make sure you have done your prep work. Click “agree” on the terms of service and the form will appear. Take your time to fill out all the sections and carefully consider your answers.
Organization name: Fill in your name or business name.
Website (optional): Now this section may seem optional but bear in mind you are trying to stand out from the crowd. If you haven’t got a website, you should at least have a portfolio on one of the sites we described earlier.
Industry type: Choose the option that suits you best. Small business is an option that shows you take your ideas seriously.
Additional information: This is the area that you can use to sell yourself. Those who watch my YouTube videos about Merch by Amazon know that I concentrate on how to write the additional information about yourself. I always shed light on the importance of following the guidelines. Merch asks you to talk about yourself and your design background. Then, they ask you to write about what designs you plan to create for Merch. Tell Amazon how excited you are to become a member of Merch and what you can bring to the table. Tell them how unique and on trend your ideas are and what they can expect from you as a designer. Don’t worry if you don’t have experience as that will come in time. Enthusiasm is the key to being noticed, sell yourself and your designs!
Here is an example:
Once you are happy with the form, go ahead and click on “Send Request” and that’s it! You will now have to wait to be accepted. There is no guaranteed time frame for a response, but it will probably be months rather than weeks. You will receive an email once your application has been processed but these can sometimes go astray. Check back at regularly to see if your account has been activated. Check your spam folder regularly too.
Once you have been accepted what next?
Okay, so the happy day has arrived, and you have your Merch account. Now is the time to acquaint yourself with the dashboard. You will find four tabs on the right-hand side of your page and here is how you use them.
This is your first tab. Here you will see all the products you have for sale listed under “recent activity” on the left-hand side of the page. You can also view messages from the Merch team and track the slots you have available.
The second tab is where you access the design page. There is a drop-down menu that allows you to choose the type of product you want to upload, and you can check out how your design looks. You have different options to place your artwork on the front and back of the tee shirts but, on the whole, the process is simple to understand.
The third tab gives you access to all of your products. It will give you information including the product, date created, list price, status, and action. You will see a status for all of your shirts and they will let you know what is happening with each design. It is common, to begin with, “Under review” and then “Started processing” until you will finally achieve “Processing” status.
This means that your product is live and on the Amazon marketplace, ready for people to buy! You will be able to click a link and see your design as the customer sees it.
The final tab will serve you well once you have a couple of items that are selling. Here you will be able to track your sales, date, and check price wise whether your item is competitive. It will also allow you to check your earnings and which of your products are selling the best.
Quick Note
You have 90 days to sell your tee shirt before it is deleted from the catalog. This is the best way to keep the catalog up to date and helps you see what is selling. However, once you sell a tee shirt, this particular design will remain on Amazon forever, or until you delete it!
youssef manuel · September 22, 2019 at 5:47 pm
شكرا على هذه المعلومات الرائعة
mansary · January 19, 2020 at 1:34 am
MAHMOUD MOHAMED FREEZ · April 9, 2020 at 10:20 am
السلام عليكم
شكرا جدا على المعلومات القيمه انا للاسف مش بعرف اكون لبق فى الكتابه او أكتب حاجه تكون جذابه غير انى مش متمكن من اللغه اوى بحيث انى أقدر ميكونش فى أخطاء
فممكن لو أقدر أرسلك وتساعدنى فى كتابه المعلومات المطلوبه